Studio Perfect World Entertainment zapowiedzia艂o Dysil's Wrath, najnowsze rozszerzenie do gry MMO Forsaken World. Wszystko dostaniemy na serwerach gry ju偶 w listopadzie, ale dodatkowo pojawi膮 si臋 nowe, epickie rajdy na bossy, nowy sprz臋t do PvP na wysokie poziomy jak i mo偶liwo艣膰 budowania budynków gildii plus wiele innych ciekawych funkcji.
A lot of hard work and effort has gone into this latest expansion, so it’s with great pleasure to let our players know Dysil’s Wrath is coming soon,
A tutaj oficjalna wypowied藕 na temat nowych rozwi膮za艅 dostarczanych wraz z rozdzerzeniem:
There are so many great features we’re including in this latest expansion. Along with a new arena season, and new raid bosses; all new fashion items, mounts, and pets have been added. These are just a few of the many updates we’re including in this latest expansion. Dysil’s Wrath gives both new and current players something to look forward to.

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